Though many may consider their sport to be boring, golf players have been featured in a lot of memes, all shared continuously through the online world. And despite the sport’s slow pace and dull energy, the memes tend to be quite hilarious! So, in order to show you just how neat these memes can really be, we’ve created the list below – and whether you’re a fan of the sport or not, we’re sure you’ll get a kick out of the images included!
1. “Suddenly, I’m Into Golfing”
Well, that’s one way of getting guys interested in the sport!
2. “How I Feel Every Time I Make Par.”
For people who don’t play golf regularly, making par can actually be extremely difficult!
3. “You Hit The Ball Too High, They Said. Tee The Ball Lower, They Said.”
Perhaps the most inconveniently placed hole in golf history!
4. “This Is How…A Golfer Plays Pool”
Very funny, and also very true!
5. “The Week After A 75% Off Clearance Sale At Rock Bottom Golf”
If there is one thing that golfers love as much as the sport itself, it’s gear!
6. “Shhh, Don’t Disturb Him – He’s Working On His Iraq Policy”
A meme that former President Barack Obama might not find quite as funny as we do…
7. “The Club Can’t Even Handle Me Right Now”
A very well timed and very funny shot of legendary golfer Tiger Woods!
8. “Friends Don’t Let Friends Mini Golf Alone”
This is also very true! Mini golf is no fun if you’re by yourself!
9. “When Your Opponent Hits Their Ball Into The Trees And Has A Clear Line To The Green”
Believe it or not, those shots actually happen more often than you would expect! Especially with the professionals!
10. “Close Enough Only Counts In Horseshoes And Hand Grenades”
Very funny, and perhaps one of the most commonly used phrases amongst golfers!
11. “Dear God, What Have I Don’t To Deserve This?”
Sand traps of this size are something that all golfers are deathly afraid of!
12. “I Warned You….Stop…Talking…During…My…Backswing!!!”
As you can tell by the image below, talking during a golfers backswing is a sure fire way of pissing them off!