14 Interesting Sasuke Curse Tattoo Variations

14 Interesting Sasuke curse Tattoo Variations

Just to recall the Naruto manga series, Sasuke is one of the main characters of this series and let’s talk about why Sasuke had the curse mark in the first place.  Sasuke had a cursed mark that he usually used as his trump card. But later on, disappeared with the help of his brother Itachi get rid of it using the Sword of Totsuka.

Anyways, you might be reading this now because you want to see the 14 interesting Sasuke Curse Tattoo Variations, or you got curious what is it about, or you might be a Sasuke fan.

But if you’re not and just curious, you might wanna know who is Sasuke and how he got the curse – just read below.

14 Interesting Sasuke Curse Tattoo Variations

The Story Behind Sasuke’s Curse

Sasuke born on July 23, was a cheerful child, eager to please and be worthy of his family name. This changed after his entire family and village got massacred by Itachi – his older brother, the person he looked up and most admired in the world. Itachi spared him and explained that Sasuke, isn’t worth killing yet – only by becoming stronger, such as by acquiring his own Mangekyō Sharingan, could he prove a worthwhile challenge to Itachi’s abilities. Itachi encouraged Sasuke to hate him, to desire revenge, and to gain power from that.

His only goal in life became to take revenge for his family’s deaths and, by extension, acquire the power needed for that revenge, even if it meant acquiring an external power that wasn’t his own – that’s when Orochimaru stepped in. With Orochimaru’s Juinjutsu – is a transformation-based cursed seal that Orochimaru can apply to others for various purposes.

One of this curses is the Cursed Seal of Heaven and is one of the strongest of Orochimaru’s cursed seals that could help the user increased their chakra levels and physical capabilities when the seal is active to the point where with the second level, Sasuke was equal in power to Naruto’s one-tailed form when he first used it.  14 Interesting Sasuke Curse Tattoo Variations

To apply a cursed seal, Orochimaru bites the recipient’s neck, causing the seal to appear near the puncture wound. Recipients are rendered unconscious while their body either accepts or rejects the cursed seal. From extensive practice, Orochimaru established a 10% compatibility rate for the cursed seal; those whose bodies aren’t compatible with the cursed seal will die. If they do survive, the recipient will have access to the cursed seal’s power boosts, access that grows through repeated use, and that’s how Sasuke ended up getting the cursed seal to achieve his goals.

No wonder we have a lot of Sasuke’s fan having the curse’ of Sasuke tattooed on the left side of the back of their neck as a reminder of the darkness Sasuke was willing to delve into just for his goals.

Now, I’ve compiled 14 Interesting Sasuke Curse Tattoo Variations that you can get inspiration from in case you might want one.

1.  The seal consists of three tomoe (the design known as mitsudomoe), similar to the Sharingan, which when activated, the seal turns orange-red and spreads flame-like markings across Sasuke’s body.

14 Interesting Sasuke curse Tattoo Variations

2. Sasuke is able to draw Orochimaru’s vile chakra through it, becoming a twisted hideous version of himself, but also getting stronger and faster.

14 Interesting Sasuke curse Tattoo Variations

3. The seal was applied on the left side of the back of Sasuke’s neck.

14 Interesting Sasuke curse Tattoo Variations

4. When inactive, the seal will simply be a black tattoo somewhere on the user’s body.

14 Interesting Sasuke curse Tattoo Variations

5. The second and final level of the seal causes the black marks to completely envelop the user.

14 Interesting Sasuke curse Tattoo Variations

6. But you can also try this different style tattooed on the center and not on the left side of your neck.

.14 Interesting Sasuke curse Tattoo Variations

7. Or you can try Sasuke’s Curse tattooed on your hand and arms.

14 Interesting Sasuke curse Tattoo Variations

8. Or you can also try getting inked on the right side of the back of your neck spreading to your arms. 14 Interesting Sasuke curse Tattoo Variations

9. Orochimaru intended to have the seal corrode Sasuke’s mind so that he could become his next body, one of the reasons why the mark is located at the side of the neck, very close to the brains.

14 Interesting Sasuke curse Tattoo Variations

10. Three identical marks arranged in a circular pattern.

14 Interesting Sasuke curse Tattoo Variations

11. Sasuke Cosplayer to the next level. 14 Interesting Sasuke curse Tattoo Variations

12. The Minimalistic Sasuke Curse.

14 Interesting Sasuke curse Tattoo Variations


13. A lot of people admired Sasuke’s personality and how he was able to delve deep into darkness and how he got redemption later even when others thought he was beyond salvation thanks to Naruto who didn’t give up on him.

14 Interesting Sasuke curse Tattoo Variations

14. You might want this big curse mark.14 Interesting Sasuke curse Tattoo Variations


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