Best Photoshop Tutorials – Learn how to use Photoshop


Latest Advanced Photoshop Tutorials

If you ever have had any sort of experience with Adobe Photoshop CS5, you will likely agree that it is the most powerful image editing software out there. A lot of people think that they can only edit images with Photoshop, but you can actually create your own pieces of art with the program from scratch. Also, a lot of people think that you have to be a natural artist in order to benefit from Photoshop, but that’s not the case. With the photoshop CS5 tutorials in this post, you can be an average Joe with no artistic abilities and become a Photoshop master.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 has totally redefined the digital imaging industry with breakthrough tools for photography, selections, and more. You can add new dimensions to your creativity with Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop CS5 is the 12th major release of Adobe Photoshop. You can now discover many new possibilities in Photoshop CS5 Extended that weren’t present in previous releases.

For those who haven’t got the chance to work with Photoshop CS5, here is our list of 20 Photoshop CS5 Tutorials. These tutorials will rekindle your interest in Photoshop and the amazing powers it has. We have even collected Photoshop CS5 Video tutorials. So enjoy the experience of working in Photoshop CS5 with these easy Photoshop tutorials.

Facing a New Day – Photoshop Manipulation

In this manipulation tutorial author will show you how to create a really nice sunrise scene. He will also show you how to transform a day picture into a sunrise using some adjustment layers and gradient maps.

Create Cracked 3D Stone Text Effect with Photoshop and Cinema 4D

In this tutorial we are going to create realistic stone text effect with Photoshop and Cinema 4D.

Create a Fictional Arctic Snow Frog in Photoshop

Here author will combine several stock images and effects to create a fictional arctic snow frog in Photoshop

Cool Photoshop Tutorials You‘ve Got To Try

If you have ever been envious of the fantastical graphics and photographs you see sprinkled across the web, take heart. With a few well-chosen and cool Photoshop tutorials, you can keep up with the Web‘s imaging trends as well as the next guy. Photoshop tutorials not only teach you how to use some of the most obscure tools packed inside this iconic software, they also put you on the fast-track to becoming an artistic designer able to keep pace with the needs of today‘s Web users.

SloDive‘s round-up of 9 of the Internet community‘s cool Photoshop tutorials offers something for everyone. From drawing objects to rendering 3D effects, we show you how to get it done and present yourself as a master of both Photoshop and graphic design.

Create Objects From Scratch

Pick your poison with cool Photoshop tutorials in which you can create something from, well, nothing. All you need is the software and a little time.
“¢ Beverage Can: This tutorial teaches you how to make a soda can. Coke is protected by trademark, but you can use these steps to create your own beverage brand.

Make 3D Graphics

So real they almost jump right off of your computer screen, these cool Photoshop tutorials will make you look like a professional designer.
“¢ 3D Earth Globe: You never know when you‘ll need a 3D Earth model. Now you can make your own with Photoshop‘s toolkit.

“¢ 3D Puzzle: This project is so easy you‘ll wonder why you didn‘t think of it yourself.

“¢ 3D Key: A simple key takes on a whole new dimension when you make it yourself from scratch. Follow these easy yet detailed steps to create your key. It also includes instructions for making the 3D background.

Retro And Vintage Graphics

Old is in; at least when it comes to graphics. Learn how to join the trend with these cool Photoshop tutorials that bring the past into focus.
“¢ B Movie Poster: Combine text with old photographs and design elements to make a charming retro movie poster.

“¢ Basic Vintage Effect: The web offers a ton of cool Photoshop tutorials that give modern photographs a vintage look. This is one of the easiest to execute.

Photo Manipulation Design & Illustration Tutorials

Role of background images in banners, graphics, ads or any web creation for that matter is of utmost importance. An attractive background image can make you creation look interesting and complete. Appropriate backdrops according to theme, need and focus point of any web creation can make that one very important difference to establish its exclusivity.

With useful Photoshop tutorials for making backgrounds can help you attain a perfect effect and appeal necessary to create your signature design.

The below listed Photoshop background tutorials will give you correct techniques to create proper backgrounds that may be simple, abstract or subtle as per your need.

How To Design A Custom YouTube Background

Create An Apple Wallpaper

Best Tutorials For Creating Icons

Creating icons in Photoshop is not that difficult if its done systematically. And every now and then designers need to create icons for different sites. Keeping this in mind, we have compiled an useful list of tutorials focusing and helping you to understand the procedure of Creating Icons in Photoshop.

Now a days Clients don’t want a generic icons for their sites. So it is very important for GUI designers to come up with creative and unique stuff every time. These icon tutorials will help you to grasp some useful tips and techniques which can make your work easier. Enjoy this Photoshop Icon Tutorials post and don’t forget to drop in your comments.

Create Wooden Bin Icon

Create a Cute Twitter Bird Icon in Photoshop

This tutorial demonstrate how to create a cute Twitter bird icon in Photoshop.

Shiny Lock Icon Design Tutorial

In this tutorial, you can learn how to create a shiny lock icon design.



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