11 Extremely Funny Office Memes

Office Meme 11

Though you may dread going to the same office day after day, some funny things can actually come out of this rather unfortunate routine (which is perhaps why so many people enjoy NBC’s The Office). In addition to being able to relate to all of the memes below, those who are office-bound Monday through Friday should also be able to put their own twist on each of the quotes, and decide which one of their fellow employees are most similar to the characters in each image.

So, if have had a difficult week at work, and are in need of some comic relief, here’s 11 Extremely Funny Office Memes and it would certainly be helpful!

1. “Sometimes I Feel Like Everyone I Work With Is An Idiot”

Very straight to the point, and something that most everyone should be able to relate to…

“Sometimes I Feel Like Everyone I Work With Is An Idiot”

2. “I Have Got To Make Sure YouTube Comes Down To Tape This.”

I’m not too sure that Michael Scott (aka Urkel Grue) understands how YouTube actually works…

“I Have Got To Make Sure YouTube Comes Down To Tape This.”

3. “People Say I’m The Best Boss. Um, I Think That Pretty Much Sums It Up. I Found It At Spencer Gifts”

Hopefully we have all had a great boss at some point!

“People Say I’m The Best Boss. Um, I Think That Pretty Much Sums It Up. I Found It At Spencer Gifts”

4. “Presents Are The Best Way To Show Someone How Much You Care. It Is Like This Tangible Thing That You Can Point To And Say, Hey man, I Love You This Many Dollars-Worth.”

A great quote that is unfortunately rather truthful…

“Presents Are The Best Way To Show Someone How Much You Care. It Is Like The Tangible Thing That You Can Point To And Say, Hey Man, I Love You This Many Dollars-Worth”

5. “Do You Want To Hear A Lie? I Think You’re Great. You’re My Best Friend.”

Anyone who watches The Office knows that Micheal Scott, really hates Toby Flenderson…

“Do You Want To Hear A Lie? I Think You’re Great. You’re My Best Friend.”

6. “This Here Is A Run Out The Clock Situation”

Perhaps the meme that is most relatable for those desperately wanting to get out of work…

“This Here Is A Run Out The Clock Situation”

7. “I Love Inside Jokes, I’d Love To Be A Part Of One Some Day.”

Well, I’m not sure he knows what inside jokes are either. However, they are always great to have around the office!

“I Love Inside Jokes, I’d Love To Be A Part Of One Some Day.”

8. “I Have Flaws. What Are They? I Sing In The Shower. Sometimes I Spend Too Much Time Volunteering. Occasionally I’ll Hit Somebody With My Car.”

I’m not sure that anyone can actually relate to all of these flaws, however, the meme itself is still rather funny!

“I Have Flaws. What Are They? I Sing In The Shower. Sometimes I Spend Too Much Time Volunteering. Occasionally I’ll Hit Somebody With My Car.”

9. “I Understand Nothing”

Well I’m sure we’ve all had one of those days at work…

“I Understand Nothing”

10. “It Was A Weird Day. I Accidentally Cross-Dressed.”

Certainly a weird day for office manager Michael Scott!

“It Was A Weird Day. I Accidentally Cross-Dressed.”

11. “Nobody Should Have To Go To Work Thinking, Oh, This Is The Place That I Might Die Today.”

Well he does have a great point, hopefully no one has to fear dying at their place of work!

“Nobody Should Have To Go To Work Thinking, Oh, This Is The Place That I Might Die Today.”


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