25 Real Pictures of Jesus


One of the most powerful messengers of love and humanity Jesus Christ is a favorite icon for artists. Everywhere you see depictions of Jesus, be it in an old church, a painting hanging inside a home, or a huge artwork on a wall, you can see how the light is constantly present making His features glow. His eyes shine with kindness and compassion while He holds out His arms in a gentle welcome inviting all to come and be blessed. When you look at a picture of Jesus Christ you simply cannot overlook that divine light and majesty that tell you He is the true Son of God.

Real Pictures of Jesus by master artists:

Real Pictures of Jesus drawn by master artists all point to His beauty and grace. You can find many pictures where Jesus has a burning red heart to show His infinite love and greatness. Light is also a common theme in many pictures of Jesus Christ. With a halo around the head, lines of clear light streaming from the heart, or eyes aglow with light, the pictures of Jesus are touched by beauty. You can also see pictures where powerful red and white beams of light and love shine from the heart of Jesus. With His messages telling of the beauty of God and His features filled with gentle wisdom, Jesus Christ preaches to people in a mountainous valley in one picture, while another picture shows Him revealing His divinity before a crowd. Pictures of Jesus Christ also finds place in modern life in the world of denim trousers, busy city streets, and rapid construction projects. Take a look at these pictures.

If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on Pictures of Black Jesus, Virgin Mary Pictures, Jesus Optical Illusions and Pictures of Famous People.

Sweet Jesus

Jesus overflows with real love and compassion for all of humanity as you see in this beautiful picture. Just pictures of Jesus can make the viewer feel the Lord’s eternal love.

Sweet Jesus

Sweet Jesus

Jesus By The River

Jesus walks by the river as His disciples sit looking at Him from a large boat in this picture. Pictures of Jesus like this reminds us that he led a human life where he went around the commoners. This also causes one to remember that his disciples did not come from noble families but were simple fisherfolk.

Jesus By The River

Jesus By The River

Jesus Divine Picture

There are now many pictures of Jesus Christ with His hands raised in the air and a halo around His head. Here, Jesus is hailed as the true Son of God. His disciples all kneel before Him as they strengthen their faith in Him.

Jesus Divine Picture

Jesus Divine Picture

Picture Of Jesus Preaching

The real message of God comes through in the sermons of Jesus as He sits preaching to a crowd. Pictures of Jesus with children and the commonfolk make a very strong image that He does not choose who he hangs out with. Instead, He shares the Word of God with everyone who wants to listen.

Picture Of Jesus Preaching

Picture Of Jesus Preaching

Old Picture Jesus

This black and white picture shows Jesus Christ on the Cross in an old church with beautiful wall patterning. Pictures of Jesus on the cross usually elicits from its viewers reverence and a strong amount of love.

Old Picture Jesus

Old Picture Jesus

Real Church Window

This glorious church window depicts the story of Jesus in rich colors. See how the black outlines bring out the beautiful shades used in the glass art. Glass art is an art that is becoming rarer and rarer. This exquisite piece is truly one of its own.

Real Church Window

Real Church Window

Jesus With A Crowd

These pictures of Jesus revealing His real divinity in a crowd of people is truly an amazement to behold. Note the drama of red and blue in His clothes in the fine painting.Jesus With A Crowd

Jesus With A Crowd

Real Picture

Welcome to the real world where a Last Supper painting is placed carelessly as a pot slowly heats up for supper at a construction site. Funny yet still tasteful pictures of Jesus are far and few in between.

Real Picture

Real Picture

Our Father In Heaven

In a quiet mood, Jesus prays to His father for guidance in this realistically painted black and white artwork. Pictures of Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane truly captures the emotions that he was feeling prior to his trial and eventual crucifixion.

Our Father In Heaven

Our Father In Heaven

Jesus Of My Heart

It is not uncommon to see pictures of Jesus Christ with red and white beams shining forth from His heart which embodies His eternal love and grace towards humanity.

Jesus Of My Heart

Jesus Of My Heart

Jesus Real Street

Pictures of Jesus Christ can elicit a lot of reverence even when they are placed in the middle of a busy street. Many still pay their respects towards this beautifully framed picture of Jesus.Jesus Real Street

Jesus Real Street

Jesus Looks

Even with a lookalike picture placed beside, there’s simply no question which is the real Jesus. There are a lot of lookalike pictures of Jesus surfacing but no one can really dispute that His face stands out from all the fakes.

Jesus Looks

Jesus Looks

Wall Picture Jesus

An old wall with flaking plaster holds this really beautifully shaded picture of Jesus on the Cross. Despite the ageing that this painting has experienced, it still holds the essence of Jesus’ sacrifice, getting crucified and dying on the cross to save humanity from their sins.

Wall Picture Jesus

Wall Picture Jesus

Holy Jesus

Pictures of Jesus Christ with His hands held out, Jesus is motioning for us to come to Him for He is ready to welcome anyone who’ll come to Him. See how His red heart burns with real love and mercy.

Holy Jesus

Holy Jesus

Jesus Picture At Home

The bare walls of this house look perfectly adorned with this gorgeous framed picture of Jesus. It has been a tradition for Christian households to have several pictures of jesus christ all over the house.

Jesus Picture At Home

Jesus Picture At Home

Mosaic Jesus Christ

Done with real art and craftsmanship this is an intricate depiction of Jesus Christ in blue and yellow mosaic patterns. Art depicting pictures of Jesus Christ are extremely beautiful and truly a wonder to behold as it is able to capture the love that He graciously gives towards humanity.

Mosaic Jesus Christ

Mosaic Jesus Christ

On The Cross

The colors of muted orange and cream bring out the sorrowful and grave mood in this picture showing the Passion of Christ. When Christians see pictures of Jesus on the cross, they are truly astounded by His sacrifice for our sins.

On The Cross

On The Cross

Jesus Welcomes All

This is another common pictures of Jesus Christ, surrounded by light on all sides and clad in a white robe Jesus, the real messenger of love and peace stands in this picture to welcome everyone.

Jesus Welcomes All

Jesus Welcomes All

Jesus With Me

Real-life and Jesus Christ go hand in hand in this picture showing a framed Jesus portrait against a backdrop of a denim jacket. It has become customary to incorporate pictures of Jesus on everyday things as could be seen in this example.

Jesus With Me

Jesus With Me

Christ Church Picture

Classical Latin script is etched on both sides of this old and partly damaged wall painting of Jesus Christ. Pictures of Jesus Christ, despite the damage still manage to portray Jesus’ eternal love for us.

Christ Church Picture

Christ Church Picture

Real Fresco Art

Medieval churches are known for showcasing real artistry and the skills of ancient artists. Properly maintained pictures of Jesus Christ on churches are one of the true wonders that the previous generations have left us. See this marvelous fresco painting of Jesus on the domed ceiling of a church for example.

Real Fresco Art

Real Fresco Art

Jesus Stormy Background

The stormy background sets off the black robes in this sober gold-framed picture of Jesus Christ. The sombre atmosphere in this picture is carefully depicted in every fine brush stroke of the artist.

Jesus Stormy Background

Jesus Stormy Background

Jesus Black And White Picture

Clear lines of light shine from this dazzling wall picture of Jesus as viewers watch admiringly. You don’t need colored pictures of Jesus to properly show His Grace. This classic black and white picture does pretty much it.

Jesus Black And White Picture

Jesus Black And White Picture

The Real Ceremony

The baptismal ceremony as seen here is one of the intensely real landmarks in the journey of Jesus on earth. Pictures of Jesus with John the Baptist are one of the best ways to show that Jesus, despite having no sins of His own, was humble enough to follow the sacraments laid down by God for man.

The Real Ceremony

The Real Ceremony

Artwork Jesus

Although partly damaged this wall painting in rich blue and gold still gives an idea of the beauty of the original artwork. Because pictures of Jesus Christ lds has been in existence for hundreds of years, it is understandable that some of them would get damaged. However, a few repairs and restoration efforts will get it back to its old form.

Artwork Jesus

Artwork Jesus


  1. Hi Sunalini, I think the title needs to be as ‘Realistic Pics of Jesus’ as the pictures were not real. Most of the pictures are looking so realistic and natural. Liked the second pic ‘Jesus By The River’.

  2. Yes, definitley Pavan. Realistic rather than real. Jesus was depicted as a white male over and over again through the ages though His appearance was never described in the new testament so we really don’t know what he looked like. These are beautiful reminders of Him though. Thank you.

  3. I’d like to see a black version of Jesus. Like the Black Nazarine in the Phillipines. You should add one on the list. ^^

    • of course jesus is black this are just the false images of cesia borgia the son of alexander the 6th pope and its famous painting by da vinci…

  4. This is really a good collection. Thank you for posting it. It made me very happy that there are still many people who gave great value for our creator, Jesus Christ. ^^

  5. okay guys….im not actually a hater…..but one picture really stood out from the others…..just take a look at the picture “JESUS WITH A CROWD”…the one right after the glass window ( which was amazing btw!!)…..what is jesus doing???…..is is beating tht man who is kneeling in front…..looks like that…now dont be judgemental about me here folks….just analyse the pic….jesus is frowning like hes angry…he has, what looks like a whip in his right hand….and just take a look at the person on the bottom right…..he is scared and is trying to run away!!!……

    • That was depicting when He was cleaning out the Temple of all the animal sacrifice merchants- –when He told them how they had made His Father’s Temple a den of thieves.

      In the scriptures, i’m not sure if He used a whip though- I just thought He overturned all of thier money tables and let all of the caged animals out of thier cages.

  6. These pictures are beautiful..we should not stop there though..we must go beyond seeing the Lord.. to experiencing Him…in everydays little happenings….. but mostly by just believing in His finished work of the cross and not our trying to be righteous.. Here in Germany nobody wants to make mistakes…but that leads to self righteousness…which lead 60 years ago to a folk that became very fascist.. More prayers and more fastings will not make us better..belief and alone belief in JESUS CHRISTS FINISHED AND COMPLETED WORK OF SALVATION ON THE CROSS.. GOD BLESS YOU FOR THIS ALONE..

  7. 25 Real Pictures of Jesus is a deceitful heading/title-pictures are pretty but nothing close to what the ‘real’ jesus looked like

    • I agree but there are some blessed people that have seen him and know what he looks like.
      Like maybe, light, long, fine hair and not a full beard, only a long light goatee, the nose is not the pretty boy nose in most of the pictures. Most people would call you crazy saying you seen Jesus but really, who cares what other people think if you were blessed with that gift.

  8. i give no concern on search for GOD, WITH MY EYES… although we are being condition’ 2 look 4 GOD INSTEAD OF BEING, GOD a.ka CHRIST LIKE.. MAGIC , SORCERY, and deseption intrige us
    when will we stop chaseing things with our eyes? cars , women, house, money, AND NOW
    , GOD? ANYONE GOD revealed his self 2 was took up 2heaven study GODs word

  9. Jews are not black. Jesus was son of Mary. Mary was daughter of pure Jews. All children of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David etc. None of them were black. All white Jewish. How would Jesus have become black? In any case,what does the colour of a person’s skin have to do with anything?
    Better to mind the attitude of his mind and heart. How do you treat others? According to skin colour or according to how they act? Come in peace to me and you will be treated in peace by me. Come to me with the idea to hate and rob and kill me, and I will defend myself to death. It is time for the world to realise that attitude is what matters – and not skin colour. Jesus is coming – nobody knows when. I would like Him to find me fighting evil and caring for the good – not for black or white or all the other in-between shades of human colour.

    • P Torlage If the color of Jesus did not matter, then why would you accept a fALSE PICTURE OF JESUS. It would have been more truthful to say this is a picture of Cesare Borgia posing as Christ. The original Jews were in fact Black as was Christ. This is fact! Check the scriptures to get an understanding. DNA has been done on those who are true Hebrews. They are in fact Black. The so-called Jews today are really Converts. This is also a proven FACT.

    • Why would you lie and say the Jews are not Black. The Original Jews were in fact Black. However, you say that the color doesn’t matter, while lying and saying they are not Black. Read your Bible and see for yourself. it is written that Jesus had hair like lamb’s wool and feet of burnt Brass. that does not equate to White while living in AFRICA. Research and read your Bible. White jewish converts are not the chosen people.

  10. Allot of excellent artwork is to be found by artists who belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You must check them out!


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