32 Warm Flame Tattoos


Among the different tattoo designs that are in vogue today, perhaps a flaming heart tattoo is the one design whose popularity will never diminish. Fire is the most prominent theme among these tattoos. Fire creates warmth and light; similarly fire also destroys. For each individual, fire has a different connotation and a different interpretation of life. Fire or flames in your tattoo might indicate rebirth, wisdom and transformation or even lust, danger and destruction.

Popular flame tattoos include a flaming heart, intertwined hearts surrounded by flames or searing wings. These tattoos are usually done in colors of orange, yellow, amber, blue and black. The discovery of fire changed a man’s life forever. Similarly a fire tattoo for some might signify a change that is positive, spiritual and healing in nature. Sometimes a fierce fire emitting dragon is used as a tattoo design to signify courage and strength of the person who is getting tattooed. These tattoos add a whole set of positive vibes to the wearer of the tattoo to make his or her life more vibrant and alive. For the person who is seeking a proactive change, these tattoos reaffirm faith all over again.

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A Winner Always

Let these brilliant red and blue flames symbolize your unconquerable spirit.

A Winner Always

A Winner Always

Renewed Strength

Show the world how strong you are with this flaming barbed wire tattoo.

Renewed Strength

Renewed Strength


Reach the goals which you have set out for yourself with zeal and fire in your steps.




With every passing moment, these flames seem to be going higher and higher up the sky.




Bring back the fire into your life with this tattoo on your knuckles.



Lasting Flames

Let the flames in your life never extinguish with this vibrant star tattoo.

Lasting Flames

Lasting Flames

Fiery Impact

Fill your life with this energetic flame tattoo on your arm.

Fiery Impact

Fiery Impact

Burning Passions

Etch this flaming heart tattoo on your arm and tell the world that your love refuses to die.

Burning Passions

Burning Passions

Beautiful Fire

Spread the warmth around you with this fire department tattoo done artistically on your legs.

Beautiful Fire

Beautiful Fire

Sacred Fire

Embrace your faith and beliefs with this vibrant sacred heart tattoo.

Sacred Fire

Sacred Fire


Let these cheerful flames spread love and joy all around you.




Show the world your mysterious side with this negative flame tattoo on your leg.



Fighter Soul

Let this eagle with flaming wings symbolize your fearless spirit.

Fighter Soul

Fighter Soul

The Rebirth

This tattoo is for the new beginnings which you promised yourself.

The Rebirth

The Rebirth

The Light

Let this tiny tattoo on your shoulder-blade add a spark to your life forever.

The Light

The Light

Bold Steps

Banish fear forever with these bold vibrant tattoos on your legs.

Bold Steps

Bold Steps

National Song

Show your true American spirit with this burning tattoo on your arms.

National Song

National Song

Burning Notes

With these flames, butterflies and musical notes create an almost surreal piece of art on your back.

Burning Notes

Burning Notes

Burning Bright

Let your energy shine through with this crimson flame tattoo on your arm.

Burning Bright

Burning Bright

Fearless always

Ward off all the ominous signs in your life with this magnificent skull tattoo on your heart.

Fearless always

Fearless always

Winner Always

Show your love for sports and adventure with this flame tattoo on your arms.

Winner Always

Winner Always


This bird and flames represent the life source from where flow all your beliefs and passions.



Mother’s Day

Show your lasting love for your mother by engraving her name in this flame tattoo.

Mother's Day

Mother’s Day

Warmth Forever

Carve out your initials in this flame tattoo and touch others’ hearts with positive vibes.

Warmth Forever

Warmth Forever


Welcome new thoughts and ideas with this flame tattoo on your arm.



Undying Flames

These flames on your arms seem to be burning with a queer intensity of their own.

Undying Flames

Undying Flames

Tougher Moments

Seek out a life of adventure for yourself with this unique fire wolf tattooed on your arm.

Tougher Moments

Tougher Moments


Tell everyone how brave you are with this Maltese Cross Tattoo.




Let this fire spewing dragon be a symbol of your fierce independent spirit.



Passionate Flames

Dedicate this burning heart tattoo to the love of your life.

Passinate Flames

Passinate Flames

Spooky Fun

Get all spooky with this flying reaper tattoo on your arms.

Spooky Fun

Spooky Fun

The Phoenix

Rise with the ashes as you carry this mythical bird upon your shoulder.

The Phoenix

The Phoenix


  1. This is indeed very extreme tattoo collection here. Most are Attractive body tattoos and not just simple tattoos but complicated ones.Great Collection Daniel Josh.


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