Tattoos are a great way of revving up your looks and giving your personality that long-desired oomph factor. Tattoos have evolved in themes, styles and inferences over the ages. Zodiac tattoos have always remained a hot favorite because of the belief that they are related to our destiny. If you are a Taurus, going for a zodiac tattoo exclusive to your zodiac might be a great idea.
Taurus is the second of the twelve signs of the zodiac. It corresponds to the constellation Taurus, and is typically depicted as a bull. Since the horns of a bull are the most attractive and one of the most powerful features of its body, the glyph of Taurus depicts the horns prominently.
Taurus tattoos can contain the image of a bull, or just the glyph, or the combination of both alongside a host of other customizations.
These usually portray a docile person, but one who gets uncontrollably mad when angry. Anybody who does not fulfill the Taurus’s obligations is set to witness its wrath. Usually dark colors are preferred for zodiac tattoos as these depict serious business. Small glyphs can be inked on feet or neck but larger ones (usually focusing on the powerful elaborate horns) require greater space.
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Finger Mini Taurus
The mouth of the bull and its eyes filled with rage is going to scare the hell out of anyone.
Photography is at its best here. Set against a nice dark background, the fair back with a small Taurus glyph shows the inner power.
This small glyph on the leg is a personal tattoo, something that the person wants to be close to the heart.
Red Rose
The rose on the head of a Taurus is a nice contrast, since the qualities associated with the bull usually do not go anywhere near those depicted by the rose.
Back Tat
Depicting a full bull, this tattoo displays the patterns and texture of the body beautifully. Great work.
Hand Tattoo
Showing an artistic impression of the geometrical design of a bull’s head, this design mixes colors nicely to get a rich appeal.
Simple black outlines without the use of any other color work great on small tattoos, and zodiac tattoos exploit that nicely.
Leg Tattoo
Portraying the head of the bull, this tattoo shows as to why the bull is feared so much. The silent eyes could unleash hell.
Shoulder Design
Getting tattoos on your chest makes them physically closer to your heart.
Arm Tat
Solid bold colors can be greatly useful when going for symbolic designs like this one. Black is used most often.
Dark Black
Black bold designs reflect serious business. Also, the bold design makes them pretty prominent.
A nice depiction of the bull; raging forward in the usual fashion with its head down and horns pointing forward to wreak havoc.
Toe Art
Subtle small designs like this are a favorite for ladies. The symbolic designs lend an air of spirituality.
Designed like a necklace, the locket of this virtual ornament depicts the Taurus in its most ancient state, as depicted in old paintings and scriptures.
The eyes of the tattoo have been designed such that the whole tattoo looks like a Taurus mask.
Simple and bold, tattoos like this are close to the heart of the person wearing them.
Sleeve Tattoo
The horns of the bull are the most prominent aspect of its body, something this tattoo rightly depicts.
Back Tattoo
Symmetrical and with a subtle color, this tattoo combines the Taurus design with conventional art patterns.
Rich and bilaterally symmetrical, this elaborate pattern could be nowhere other than the back. Greatly artistic.
The bent down horns of the bull show a seemingly docile character. But its eyes say something different.
This tattoo portrays the Taurus as emerging out of the body, a significant symbolic representation.
This tattoo portraying the Taurus with the stars probably refers to the Taurus constellation too.
The glowing spicules emerging out of the frame of the Taurus signify its spirituality as well as rage.
Chest Tat
Innovative in design, this tattoo nicely combines the glyph and the actual image together.
Hand Tattoo
The horns have been portrayed prominently in almost all Taurus tattoos. They signify masculinity in a sense.
Tattoo Girl
The font used for the writing is really awesome. Here the horns are customized a bit differently.
The black and white intertwined effect is set to give this tattoo all the special attention that it deserves.
Richly graphic and dark, tattoos like this depict maturity and power in a person.
Artistic beauty is at display here. The texture of the bull’s face and the minute variations are elaborately depicted here.
Blowing air out of its nostrils in full rage, this bull shows the mad nature of the Taurus when it’s intimidated.
Subtle colors and customizations are exploited richly here to bring out an aesthetic appeal from the Taurus.
Bodytat tauras tattoo is so hot and its design is so cool the bull is looking very much angry.
Hand Tattoo is very incredible looking looking taurus tattoo like incredible hulk. Hahahah! Great collection!
They all look the same to me but I like the ones that‘s inked black. That makes it very tribal looking.
great Collection,I love Black-tattoo design so much,thanks a lot Admin,all tattoos are looking very fashioned.
The Back Tattoo design is cool. But as for women I like to have it on the right back side to be inked. ^^
From these Incredible Taurus Tattoos hand tattoo is looking really very attractive .and nice.